Since 1987, more than 6,000 Scholars have entered the Terry Scholarship Program.
Their lives and the lives of their families have forever been changed because of the opportunity to receive an education and graduate without the burden of excessive debt.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry requested that Scholars give back to the Foundation through their time and resources to ensure a strong Terry family.
Terry students give back to the Foundation by:
- participating in their school’s Terry Scholar student organization,
- sharing information about the Terry Scholarship with high school students,
- mentoring fellow Terrys,
- connecting with Terrys at other universities onTerry Connect or at Foundation events,
- participating in Terry Legacy Day by sharing their personal story and uplifting the stories of other Terrys,
- participating in Terry Give Back Day by performing acts of service,
Terry Alumni give back to the Foundation by:
- mentoring fellow Terrys on Terry Connect,
- attending events like banquets and picnics,
- speaking at Terry student organization meetings,
- participating in their local Terry Scholar Alumni Chapter,
- participating in Terry Legacy Day by sharing their personal story and uplifting the stories of other Terrys,
- participating in Terry Give Back Day by performing acts of service,
- donating to the Terry Scholars Fund,
- or a combination of any/all of these options.
Participate in Terry Scholar Alumni Association Chapters
Join your local chapter for socials, service projects, activities with current Terry Scholars, and more.
Find a Chapter
Mentor Current Scholars or Alumni via Terry Connect
Terry Connect replaced the TAP List in Fall 2018. Current students and alumni can utilize this exclusive Terry network to connect with old friends, share job opportunities, meet others in their profession, and more.
Access Terry Connect
Share Job or Internship Opportunities with Fellow Terrys
Terry Alumni may post job and internship opportunities on Terry Connect. All job and internship posts must have a direct connection to a Terry Scholar in some way. The Foundation will review all posts and reserves the right to remove any post that does not meet this requirement.
Post a Job/Internship
Donate to the Terry Scholars Fund
All donations support the endowment established by Howard and Nancy Terry and will help fund scholarships for outstanding Texas students. Gifts are handled through The Terry Scholars Fund, a public charity with the sole purpose of receiving donations for the Terry Scholarship Program. The Terry Scholars Fund was created to help Terry Alumni and other philanthropists support Terry Scholarships while also enjoying a wider range of donation options and receiving maximum benefits for their contributions.
100% of every donation goes directly to Terry Scholarships.
The Terry Scholars Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are deemed tax-deductible, EIN: 88-2349834
The Terry Scholars Fund provides an effective way for donors to support the Terry Scholarship Program.
Terry Scholars Fund
The Terry Scholars Fund is proud to offer a variety of giving options to support current and future Terry Scholars.
All Ways to Give
Apply to Serve on Terry Scholarship Interview Panels
Alumni indicate their availability for interviews each fall, and the Foundation extends formal panelist invitations in late January or early February. If you would like to be contacted regarding interviews, please keep your contact information updated with the Foundation. To update your mailing or email address, please contact the Alumni Engagement Team.
Email Us
Apply to Join the Terry Scholar Alumni Advisory Board
Terry Alumni who have been out of the Terry Scholarship Program at least 3 years are invited to apply for a position on the Terry Scholar Alumni Advisory Board (TSAAB). Advisory Board members serve 3 year terms and work closely with the Foundation President and the Director of Alumni Engagement to strengthen the Terry Community.
Learn More